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Meditation, Am I doing this right?

November 8, 2010

There’s no such thing as a bad meditation. Any time you spend in silence is valuable, even if your inner voice is persistent and loud. Don’t judge it; just observe it. Simply observe yourself sitting there, and when a stray thought suddenly appears, just note it, and use its presence as a reminder to go back to the gap.” – Dr. Wayne Dyer

Meditation is such a formal word. We need to look at the basic definition: “Meditation is a practice of concentrated focus upon one thing.” In other words, to concentrate on a specific concern such as; our health, the future, the past, or what ever we need to resolve or reflect on.
Now, think about your day; when you are driving, doing housework, exercising, waiting, or what ever mindless act you do. During these times you are meditating. You are concentrated upon one thing. (Our mind can have only one thought at a time) So, if you see the benefit of these moments as accomplishing a resolve to a concern then be proud. You have achieved concentrated focus. Recognizing your time spent well can give a positive outlook on your down time. Also, it will make the laundry go by so much faster, which is my most used time for meditation.

When you have the time to meditate & relax your body here are a few useful techniques.

Guided Meditation– This was my first experience with meditation. The first few times, I giggled and rolled my eyes at the lack of concentration. The recording was called COLOR OF HEALING- COLOR THERAPY & turned out to be amazing for me. It taught me the power of affirmations & working on how to achieve goals.

Breathing Exercise Mediation– When my mind is racing, I love to use this technique. It also, is a great exercise for the lungs. The goal is to be able to exhale as long as you can. How it works is: Take a deep breath in for a count of 6. Hold your breath for a count of 6. Then exhale for increments of 10 until you can reach 100. After each increment take a small break and evaluate your progress. Do you remember the technique of counting sheep? This works in the same way. Your brain can only allow one thought at a time to be present, so it makes it hard to think of other thoughts.

Stretching  Meditation– This is properly the easiest technique to use. If you work out and have tired muscles this is for you. In the simplest of terms, yoga is the stretching of the body. Start at your feet & be sure to stretch every body part. With every stretch be sure not to force it, but breath through the extension. Crunch – Candlelight Yoga is a great cd to watch when you are beginning, but it is not necessary. Stretching & concentrating on how good it feels is meditation.

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One Comment leave one →
  1. November 8, 2010 7:57 pm

    Kelly, I love the new blog! Great job! Thank you for reminding me to live in the moment and just relax! It’s so easy to forget!


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