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An Affordable Stress Management Program For Your Employees

February 21, 2011

How much is stress costing your business?

Work place stress costs the nation more than $300 billion a year in health care, missed work and stress reduction efforts according to American Institute of Stress.

What are the main stress related expenses?

  • Productivity and Performance – Whether the stress originates at home or at work; bad attitude, negative energy, and lack of enthusiasm reflects on your company. Potential clients will be pushed away and your bottom line can be greatly diminished. 40% of job turnover is due to stress. Replacing an average employee today costs between $3,000 and $13,000.
  • Sick Leave –  Stress has been called “the silent killer” Employees who suffer from day-to-day stress without proper management will have a lower immune system. Their for calling in sick or worse showing up and spreading illnesses to other employees. According to a survey of 800,000 workers in over 300 companies, the number of employees calling in sick because of stress tripled from 1996 to 2000. An estimated 1 million workers are absent every day due to stress.
  • Workman Compensation Claims – When employees are focused on their worries, they tend not to concentrate on their duties. Many accidents happen because of this. Also, Double digit increases in Workers’ compensation premiums every year as a result of mental stress claims threaten to bankrupt the system in several states.
  • Higher Health Insurance Premiums– Every time an employee is diagnosed with back or muscle complications, stomach complications, heart complications, or what ever stress related issue, the premiums for the group go up every year and sometimes every 6 months. Health Insurance for a single employee jumped from $1.80 to $3.80 per hour in just the past few years.

One study estimated that 11 million Americans suffer at work from unhealthy levels of stress. California alone reported mental stress worker compensation claims rose 200 to 700% in the 1980’s, while all other causes stayed the same or declined.

More recently, the 2000 annual “Attitudes In The American Workplace VI” Gallup Poll sponsored by the Marlin Company found that 80% of workers feel stress on the job, nearly half say they need help in learning how to manage stress and 42% say their coworkers need help.

A stress management program can cost companies thousands of dollars and cause even more stress to the bottom line. It is important to address each individual employee, and find a program that will teach employees how to manage their own health and well-being. This is not only a tool for better performance for your business, but a gift from you to your employee. Businesses that care for the well-being of their employees will receive loyalty in return.

The best technique to lower stress is simple, but remembering to do the steps throughout the day can be difficult. It is a matter of practice, and teaching yourself until it becomes habit. Stress Release Reminders is just the product to keep your employees focused on healthy levels of stress. For a $19.95 investment this program can change their attitude, their health, and even their life. Each stress management program kit consists of 20 static cling, clear, dime size decals and a custom journal designed for today’s busy lifestyle. The journal is designed as an easy insert to daily goals, affirmations, & a few highlights for from the day.

Here is the simple technique and why it lowers stress:

  1. Deep Breath When we focus on a good deep breath. We are filling our minds with the oxygen we need to think more clearly. It calms our nervous system and allows us to relax.
  2. Release Tension Clenching the jaw can lead to tension headaches. Tightening the shoulders can lead to neck & back pain. Clenching our fists or curling our toes can lead to pins & needle sensations or even bone disorders. Checking these areas & loosening them is crucial to the process.
  3. Center you Mind to what is most important What gives you the most joy from your lifetime of experiences? This centers you to your goals & makes you want to be a better person.
  4. Repeat your daily affirmation – This process is for yourself, for your self-pride. It does not need to be shared with others, but needs to be fully accepted by you.
  5. Smile at your accomplishment – You are in charge of your mind and body. You are in control of your life. Be proud.

If you would like more information on the Stress Release Reminders product and how the company was started click here. Discounts can be applied for orders of 10 or more units. Please contact Kelly Evers for rates at

2 Comments leave one →
  1. Season Englehardt permalink
    July 24, 2012 3:00 pm

    Stress management is always necessary if you want to be more productive and most importantly, if you want a longer and healthier life. ;`;*`

    Yours trully“>


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